Dolls OOAK Spirit

Monday, October 31, 2005

Support our Troops American Santa Clause

Many families this holiday season, will celebrate without loved ones present. These loved ones will be away due to their stints overseas. While we may not all support the War, we can all show honor and respect for those who willingly go fight.
Original Americana Cloth Santa Claus Doll

Regardless of whether we are in support of the War in Iraq, we are all in support of the many men and women who are there on our behalf.

With this in mind, I created this original Cloth Santa.

He sports a suit with the Statue of Liberty.. precious to all Americans for what it stands for.. our Freedom and way of life.

He has English wool for a beard and hair, carries a bag of the flag, with a yellow ribbon.. till they come safely home..!

He brings toys and most importantly.. the prayers of so many children who wish for mothers and fathers home this holiday season.

Display this Santa during the holidays.. or year round to show your support for our troops and your hope of their safe return.

Santa is signed and dated, comes with stand and toys as shown. He meausres 16 inches. Face is painted with pastels.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Girl Elf and Bird Friend

Here is the companion of the Boy Elf. They were such wonderful company while I was in the garden. They spoke of all the magic they bring to us humans, and how sad it is that we don't take the time to see and hear the magic.
For more information on my dolls, visit my website.


Gift of Love Santa Clause

Here is another of my latest creations. I do so enjoy the many varied Santa Styles. This one brings a glass hummingbird, the bearer of love and passion.
I hope you are being good. I know for a fact Santa is making a list and checking it twice.


Joy and Abundance Gifts for the Holidays

This Father Clause brings a Cardinal.. a sure sign of the gifts of prosperity and abundance. He even has a wreath with berries for the door.
He is one of my newest Santas. I love doing these dolls. Thankfully I sale them online and at shows or my home would be overrun.


Elf and Bird

We all know that the Elf Folk are magical. Here one shows off for his picture to be taken while letting his Bird rest for a moment.
I was out in my garden late in the evening and this delightful fellow buzzed by with his female friend to say hello.


Holiday Magical Elf

I have created more magic. I sat down and drew an original design pattern and created this wonderful Magical Elf.
This pic shows him in my yard with a few of the Cat People checking him out. He was great fun to design and sew.
He will go to the Christmas Festival with me in December.
I have been busy getting more Santas ready along with a few fairy and angels.
Being able to express myself through my crafts brings me great joy and satisfaction.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Care Katrina Healing Dolls

I along with the rest of the country was shocked by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the horror it brought to so many thousands of people.

I was and still am overjoyed at the care, love and concern given freely to those affected. The other day I was inspired to create these little dolls to represent the Hope, Faith, Love and Healing of all those affected by this ordeal and all the other challenges we deal with in our lives.

I will be offering these for auction with 50% of the sales going towards the Red Cross and United Way to help in relocating those affected by the hurricane.

Some I have made into pins, others are little dolls to stand on your desk or lay on a table.. reminding you to send light, love and healing energy to all affected. They also carry a personal message.. I Care.. I am a Bearer of Light, Love and Hope to myself and others.

EAch doll comes with the card shown.

I offer these here so that you might buy them for the price listed. I have others for auction on several sites. Know that half the price goes towards Katrina Survivors. I donate through Paypal and can show proof if anyone asks.

Your purchase not only helps me to donate to aid those so in need.. but your wearing the pins and displaying the dolls lets you share the message of hope, faith, healing and love to all you come in contact with. In order to share love and healing with others, we first become a channel for that love and healing.. thus we are also filled with and affected by these energies.

Thank you so much for helping.

If you would like your own I Care Katrina Healing Doll, visit my website.
