Dolls OOAK Spirit

Friday, June 17, 2005

Making A Difference STick Art Dolls

I began creating dolls when my children were little. I loved using cloth and clay to create something that the children loved.. As they got older they wanted animal dolls.. these were also great fun to craft.
Now three of my children are grown and no longer want Mama to make them a doll and my 12 year old daughter thinks dolls are for sissies.. she would much rather play ball or ride her bike.
So this Mama creates new dolls for herself. I love using all sorts of found objects to make statements about my view of life.. the hopes, dreams, joys and sorrows.. expressed for others to share.
I am presently working on a new line of doll people.. the Making a Difference Dolls..
I will of course use my sticks.. as I love using pecan from the trees in my back yard.. what a nurturing energy the sticks share.. and weavings for clothes. EAch doll will bring a message of our making a difference in our world.
Check back later in the week to see what I have accomplished.

Just added.. "Abundance For All Relations" OOAK Art Spirit Doll.
A full description of her is on my website.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Just Being Me

This doll represents the aspect of myself and you.. which wants to dress as we desire.. wants to connect with that Gypsy energy.. dancing around a fire.. kicking up our heels and reading tarot cards for money.
She is cloth.. and comes with her own stand..
For more information visit my website.


Buffalo Medicine Woman

I created this piece from a place of connection with my Native American roots.. my great grandmother was Cherokee.. and I love the teachings.. so serene.. so balanced.
She is created using bone, wood, leather and feathers.. and walks with a baby buffalo.. bringing peace, joy and balance into life's cycle.
